Vegetarian Fashionista

Because vegetarians can be beautiful. And fashionistas can care.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Stay Ahead of the Game

Haven't you always wanted to be one of those people who wear the fashionable stuff before everyone else? Well, http:// is definitely a good place to start. Seeing as it's actually for fashion designers, you'll be ohso cool. Here are some ways to get the looks that will be big, according to them, on a budget:
*Let's pretend I'm Coco
If you bought a trench coat over the summer, or even a belted mac, you can use that for this look. Just pair it with Coco Chanel-esque hat, and jeans, and you're on your way. (Also in style are tuxedos, also Chanel-esque. But don't wear those, you'll dump them.)
*Geisha Girl
Once again, Asian looks are HOT. Instead of buying a kimono, buy an Asian styled scarf, and swing it around your hips.
*Folk grunge
This is such a easy look to carry off, and is perfect for when you just can't be bothered. Just wear a long cardigan, a fringy scarf, and some jeans, and you've got it!


At 7:06 AM, Blogger Shoe Lover said...

Hey there! I discovered your site and I have you give you a standing ovation! I think it's awesome that you started a blog that's dedicated to vegetarian fashion. I myself am a vegetarian (strict in diet, but not so strict in fashion). I think it's appalling that fur is "making a return" this fall in fashion.

I actually just added a link to your blog on my blog, SHOEbuytes (under "our favorite fashion blogs") and also wanted to tell you about one of my favorite vegan/vegetarian brands called No Sweat. This brand makes shoes and clothes that are sweatshop-free, cruelty-free and many of their products (like their flip-flops) are sold to raise funds for various charitable causes. Here's a link to their shoes: (I love the old-school sneakers!) and their clothing: Good luck!

At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is a great blog!! Thought I would chime in and let you know about a new luxury handbag line(made from synthetic materials). Go to www.vande-com to check it out!!


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